Sunday, April 30, 2023

Iconic Iceland, Iceland[OC][1080x864]

Pu'u Koa'e, Maui [5412 × 3694] [OC]

Tiny island on a lake, Northern Iceland [OC] [3217 × 2750]

It's so green here in upstate NY after all the spring rain! [OC] [2600x1733]

Waterfall. Glen Coe, Scotland [4032x2268] [OC]

Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve Oahu [OC] [4032 x 2532]

Hiked up the mountains and caught the Aurora Australis, Canterbury, New Zealand [3200x4000] [OC]

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Red Rock-Secret Mountain Wilderness Area, Arizona [6650x3748] [OC]

Wilma Lake, California, [4032×3024] [OC]

A cute little waterfall in Ethiopia. [733x1100] [OC]

Milky Way arch, Arches NP [OC] 2500x1406

Dhar Takling, Himachal Pradesh, India | by Mayrad Photography [1369x2048]

Frozen Highlands, Iceland [1600x2000][OC] IG @wilhelmgisow

Nanga parbat, Pakistan. [OC] [4032x3024]

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Cliffs of Moher, Ireland (friends OC posted with permission) 1080x1440

Paddy's Bridge, Scotland [OC][3648x5472]

Antarctic Beech Tree in the Border Ranges National Park, New South Wales, Australia (OC)(8230 × 5487)

I figured I would miss out going before waterfall season, but this trickle has a charm of its own. Panna NP, India [OC] [1800*4000]

The sun breaking through the clouds over a rock structure in the Australian Alps {OC} (1000x1500) @dalegphoto

Crater Lake - [OC][1900x1600]